Geriatric Medicine

Dr Thomas Perkins is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, with 10 years experience in Paediatric Medicine.

One of the best things I enjoy about medicine is treating the more experienced humans among us. The sheer wealth of experience brings a valuable energy to my day and my practice. 

I have done late night visits to Nursing Homes in the past, as well as been responsible for running the medical aspect of a nursing home in Graceville in 2017. 

I am fortunate enough care for many elderly patients in my practice and enjoy the drive and care that it brings to my day. 

I aim to bring a compassionate, intelligent, straightforward and evidence-based approach to helping you manage your childrens healthcare, so they can grow and thrive. 

Dr Thomas Perkins 

Based in West End, Brisbane.
General Practice and Occupational Medicine.

Ph: (07) 3844 4111

Ph: (07) 3844 9111

Smart Clinics West End. The Markets, 79 Boundary Street West End 4101